05 Apr

Robins, bluebirds, crocuses and the skunk cabbage by the stream, are among the traditional harbingers of spring to those who live in the north of America. Yet, earlier than any of them, comes the seed catalog, bringing promise of spring to a region of frozen ground, of snow and ice. Gardeners are planners, and about the time the Christmas tree ornaments are being put away they begin poring over the seed catalogs that arrive on the heels of the holiday greeting cards. No calling is more fundamentally essential than that of the seeds man, or, perhaps, so little understood. if you know more about gary payton strain seeds then read this complete article.

A common impression of the making of a seed catalog is that the merchant grows a lot of seeds, then lists what he has to sell, along with pretty pictures, prices and a smattering of cultural advice. Some small, local concerns may do it that way, but in the big mail-order seed houses a major effort involving many people and consuming many months of planning.

Years of plant breeding give rise to some new varieties or strains of cultivated plants and some "just happen", thanks to the casual visit of some insect pollinator. Or a self-fertilized plant may produce a " sport " or mutation. Many of our older, and some of our best modern varieties, came about by such chance, but the trend today is toward the scientific mating of plants, the creation of superior strains by what might be called "Peace", new rose introduction by Conard-Pyle, was awarded All-America honors for 1946. It is a yellow, many-petalled bloom, suffused with pink. The new, inbred strains of sweet corn and other vegetables are outstanding examples of what is being done by plant breeders of our leading seed firms, and by government and private research organizations. The new and improved varieties have been bred for special purposes. Disease resistance is an important factor.

gary payton strain seeds

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